RU Enterprise

As part of the research project, students can acquire practical know-how and directly apply the knowledge they have gained in the TEXOVERSUM Faculty of Textiles degree programmes. They are coached by experienced experts from the industry. Students also receive valuable impulses for their work in the fashion start-up from practice-orientated courses. RU Enterprise is supported by TD Alumni, the faculty's non-profit alumni association.


What do you do at RU Enterprise?

  • We design and sell limited-edition unisex collections. The focus is on sustainability and high-quality details to create timeless favourite and memorable pieces.
  • We work along the textile value chain - from design draft to purchasing & production to marketing - and get to know important areas of the company in a very practical way.
  • We learn about start-up methods and take entrepreneurial action while being coached by professionals from the fashion industry.
  • We attach great importance to values such as sustainability, quality, diversity and community, which we endeavour to demonstrate through our products.

Learning Entrepreneurship

The project teaches students how to think and act like a real fashion start-up. The results are impressive: Limited edition collections and great favourite pieces that remind them of their unforgettable time studying at Reutlingen University.



RU Sweatshirt

The ultimate sweatshirt for anyone who feels connected to the university.


New flagship store

RU Enterprise opens its flagship store in the new TEXOVERSUM building! And it's so hot, that he has to go behind bars.

RU Enterprise

Anyone involved in the fashion project can contribute their knowledge to many areas of the company and learn new things.




TEXOVERSUM Capsule Collection

The new TEXOVERSUM hoodie is the ultimate blend of comfort and style for everyone! This hoodie features a high-quality embroidery on both the front and back, adding a touch of personality to your everyday look.

RU Enterprises

Fashion Start-Up as a research project

RU Enterprises was launched for the first time in 2017. RU stands for Reutlingen University and at the same time for the question "aRe yoU?". The idea: to give students a practical experience of the individual steps within the textile value chain as part of a research project.



Questions? Please contact us!

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Professorship Supply Chain Management & Buying

Head of Internship Office International Fashion Business

Appointment by arrangement