For Businesses
Corporate partnerships promote the exchange between business and science and support our practice-orientated training and research. Intensify your contacts with our experts as partners for project and research work. Or find your future employees among our graduates, for example at the "GoTEX" careers fair.

Make contacts with your employees of tomorrow, today!
At our careers fair GoTEX, you can present your company and offer internships and theses to qualified applicants.

Become a partner
Companies from industry and commerce provide us with numerous opportunities to work on current tasks from operational practice as topics for practical semesters, semester projects and final theses. This brings students into direct contact with the industry and the specialist areas of their particular interests at an early stage.

Our students take their first steps towards entrepreneurship and foundation in various ways:
- The "RU Enterprises" project offers textile students the opportunity to gain practical experience in key business areas.
- The Centre for Entrepreneurship at Reutlingen University offers seminars, workshops and events on all aspects of starting a business.
- The TEXTIL.ACCELERATOR programme "Stoff im Kopf" supports founders with textile business ideas.

Find experts
Are you looking for experts for projects, research or media reports? Get in touch with our experts!